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 Vocal Warm Up Techniques

Have you ever been to the gym or gone for a run and your muscles felt sore the next day because you forgot to warm up?

Singing is no different. Before you sing, you need to warm up your voice first. If you do not warm up, you will be putting strain on your voice.

Here are a few quick vocal warm up techniques you can use. You will be surprised at how much better your voice will sound after using these vocal warm up techniques.

Vocal Warm Up # 1: Breathing

Take a deep breath and fill your lungs all the way down to your abdomen. Hold it for 3 seconds and slowly blow the air out through your mouth in a constant flow.

Imagine you are blowing through a straw and allow the air to slowly come out of the end of the straw until you run out of breadth. Imagine a candle in front of you, and blowing your breath so slowly that the air passes through the flame, but it does not go out.

Repeat this exercise for 7 times.

Vocal Warm Up # 2: Vibrate your lips

Blow through your mouth and make your lips vibrate (imitate the sound of a motor boat). While you are doing this, make a humming sound, that goes from low to high and back down to low again (like your voice is travelling up a mountain and back down again).

Repeat this exercise for 7 times.

These simple vocal warm up techniques will help you to avoid damaging your precious vocal chords and allow you to quickly warm up your voice before you begin to sing.

Jo Jo
The Naked Singer



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Vocal warm up techniques

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